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With the current economic (and political) climate - more and more people in North America, and around the world, are now searching for ways to gain greater Success, Financial Security, and Time Freedom ... to "OWN their life".


(i.e. ONline marketing, to promote your [D2C] Home eBiz)  So, instead of the 'usual' methods (of WARM market - bugging family, friends & neighbors) - here, the company is directly 'connected' to the INTERNET - to use its “cyberspace power” to first, create trusting relationships (via Internet Marketing strategies) ... and thus, 'avoid' that most uncomfortable "cold calling" feeling, when dealing with strangers - those awkward "face-to-face" contacts in shopping malls ... those time consuming, boring, home, and motel, meetings, etc.  Instead, you build trust, through ATTRACTION MARKETING strategies, to “create” those close connections - to build that consumer trust - and to form those [hopefully] lasting friendships.


Note: this does not mean you need to become an “expert” on SEO / SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / etc – although you “can”, if you wish). It simply means that you can use BASIC “ONline protocols” to build a successful Home eBiz … along with your eMails / the Phone / Texts.


​It is SO much more professional, and rewarding, than many of the (stone age) methods taught in 'traditional marketing’ (not to say that those methods don't work - they still DO - but frankly, "I" do not wish to use them, personally).

- MASS Appeal -

Then, if you can find the "right" (ONline-Based D2C) Company - and that does [or will be doing] business "internationally" ... and one that has “exceptional” products - that are “already being bought” - by the MASSES - elsewhere anyway - like at Walmart / Target / BestBuy … I.e. a Home eBiz, where there’s no NEW MONEY needed …

because your Customers are simply “switching stores” - for “superior / safer / cheaper” products than they were getting before And products that can be shipped to them - instantly - any-where - via ONline ordering - results in YOU having yourself >>> a HOME RUN. YES.


Otherwise, it will become difficult for YOU to truly, reach a VIRTUAL WEALTH Lifestyle.


The answer is for YOU to get positioned so that you "own" an International, "Internet-Based, Home eBusiness" [ideally, an Affiliate D2C one] - one that will brand YOU - and one that will provide for you, 'multiple streams' of [leveraged / automated / on-going] PASSIVE / RESIDUAL INCOME - with both Horizontal and Vertical Growth advantages, like I mentioned earlier. That is THE DREAM ... it's the Perfect Storm ... with the "right combination" of Business / Financial / Marketing / Internet / Social Media forces at play.

LEADS / MARKETING SYSTEM - A sweet "by-product" of this is ... should someone NOT be interested in your Affiliate [D2C] Online Business, or products / services (for whatever reasons - including the possibility that they 'already have' a Home Business, or businesses, that they are perfectly happy with ... you might "still" gain them as a CUSTOMER or CLIENT - perhaps by offering them a [“proven”] source of BUSINESS LEADS, and/or MARKETING SYSTEM … both of which could mean some 'additional', recurring, passive/residual income for YOU – while at the same time,  helping THEM build their OWN business more successfully. It's a potential WIN-WIN all around


If you want ... to save money ... have less financial stress ... more free time ... an exit strategy ... more control ... debt freedom ... earlier retirement ... a better lifestyle ... total FINANCIAL & TIME FREEDOM in "years" - not "decades" ... THIS is a proven solution.

BLOG - The above SMART WEALTH FORMULA "works" ... it has been "proven". See exactly what the VIRTUAL WEALTH LIFESTYLE "really" means, in my BLOG Posts (click on the BLOG Tab, in the Header above, to begin)!



Sadly, the typical 'financial advice' you get from the Financial Services Industry is (has been, for years) totally W-R-O-N-G ... it has always preached the '40-year work / save / invest' routine ... it focuses on you "taking the money you already have" (supposedly, your 'disposable' income, what remains, after paying the bills) ... and then, "investing that" in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, etc. - LESS taxes.

Well, that simply has not worked, long term, for the vast majority of families (for 'many' different reasons - including the reality that 'life happens' and often sabotages the best laid plans).


The truth is - many (most) people are already 'maxed out' on their credit cards, and their paychecks each month, unfortunately ... and there is usually not anything (or much) 'left over' to invest!

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